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By Louise Gilbert |
Emotionally, you may have felt some confusion and this may still be ongoing for a little while as Saturn is now retrograde but with all the focus and the new Moon on the 11th March in this area of your life, there will be a little more clarity around your feelings, especially towards the end of the month.
This also applies if you want to move house, are thinking about selling or even just refurbishing. The opportunities and the focus is there but until the end of March in particular, there may be some delays around finding a buyer or the place that’s right for you. Alternatively, the current combinations in your solar chart also point to some delays around inheriting property, bank loans or insurance pay-outs may not be as forthcoming as you had hoped or your partner’s financial resources are somewhat restricted or not so readily available for the time being. This is because Mercury, the planet of communication and rational thinking is still in your 4th house but, like Saturn, he is going retrograde AND in conjunction with Neptune. Mercury doesn’t mind being in the sign of Aquarius but he doesn’t like being in contact with Neptune – a combination which tends to make the task of rational thinking more difficult. Although it can be a creative combination, it can be a confusing one if we want to disseminate our emotions and make sense of them. On a more mundane level, it just means that you are better off checking the facts and figures again and again until the 18th March.
After mid-month, the energy shift and that stellium of planets is moving from the bottom of your chart into your 5th house of fun, creativity, true love children and self-expression. This is a much more amenable place for Scorpios and you should feel a little more outgoing than you did in February and earlier on in March. The ruler of your house of committed relationships is exalted in this house of true love and some Scorpios may now open up to finding someone. Perhaps even quite suddenly and it may be someone from abroad, from a different cultural background or with someone who lives at a distance. The next two to three months or so are your big relationship months of the year and while something new may start with a bit of a bang, there are also some challenges involved. All of the planets transiting your 5th house conjuncts Uranus and all square up to Pluto. These two planets in aspect mean sudden and transformation! This also applies to pregnancies, creative projects and self-expression, all of which you are identifying yourself with more than usual this month. Although squares are productive in the sense that they inject the energy and the focus we need to get things going, they are not very comfortable aspects and we often have to put a lot of effort into solving issues and removing obstacles in the areas touched by the squares.
The full Moon in Virgo in the nakshatra of Hasta, symbolised by the raised hand or the fist which means strength, togetherness and power in its general attributes is on 27th March. The full Moon is also involved in the square to Pluto and in opposition to Uranus. Think about what began in late September 2011 with another milestone at the end of June 2012. For you Scorpio, this could also have to do with your finances – maybe your children (even more than usual!) are costing you an arm and leg in March! But, there may be a partner, significant other, or someone you are quite close to who seems to be in a position to provide some support. Jupiter in your house of committed relationships shows that there is someone to guide you, support you and be there for you.
There are some unusual constellations in the Sky at the moment and the month then ends with another Yod configuration, or Finger of God, with the Moon, Saturn and Rahu as the focal points in your 12th house. The focal point is also the pressure point in this constellation. Again, on the one hand, the month ends with the focus attached to your home life and a sense of letting go. It may feel like something you can’t quite grasp the meaning of just yet but don’t let the sense of restriction or not knowing what is happening get to you too much, it’s only last a few days. Nevertheless, I thought it’s worth mentioning because of the unusually high number of planets involved. If you want, do let me know how you’re getting on!
forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are interested in an
individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in
individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on
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