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By Louise Gilbert |
The New Year starts with Mars, the pioneer amongst the planets, in your 7th house of committed relationships. Mars is where we put all our energy or where we want to put all our energy and for you, this relates to your closest partnerships whether they are business related or personal. So, if there is something in one particular relationship that has been bothering you for some time, the moment has come to speak up. Best to start the process now as February will be a big relationship month for you so you want to clear the road ahead as much as possible. What’s important during this time, however, is to keep your temper in check. Mars squares Saturn for the first few days of January and if family demands during the Christmas season got a bit too much, don’t get into unnecessary arguments. Even if you feel frustrated – perhaps due to slow progress – take a deep breath first. A little bit of distance has never done any harm - arrange a night out with your friends and let bygones be bygones.
So, your relationship is one part that keeps you busy in January, the other part, for the first two weeks anyway, is your work and health routine that come under the spotlight. Yes, we’re all thinking about our New Year resolutions but maybe you belong to the few people this year to actually follow through on them. Time to join that gym, apply for a new job or, if you are in such as position, introduce positive changes in your work place! I am still asking for comments and feedback on how 6th house activities manifest for people, so please let me know if any of the above feels relevant for you especially around the time of the new Moon on 11th January (or the full Moon on 28th December!). Get in touch and let me know if there have been changes for you in these areas.
So, the new Moon on 11th January in Sagittarius in your house of day-to-day routines then is the time for you to start afresh and implement your new health and fitness routines or improve your work situation. It’s of course a time of the year when business and project plans are being discussed, finalised and progressed but this year, maybe you feel particularly caught up in the task. The Moon and the Sun alongside Pluto, Venus and Mercury are all joined up, so a lot of energy is poured into these areas of your life for the first half of January 2013. In Indian astrology, this new Moon falls in the nakshatra (in Indian astrology, the chart is divided into 27 sections, each is one nakshatra) of Uttarashadha and quite simply symbolises victory. It’s also a competitive nakshatra that pushes us to achievements – but always in partnership with others. On the other hand, a new Moon in this nakshatra also means that if we can’t win or reach our goals very easily, we’ll find another path that allows us to achieve these dreams – or, in this case, make the relevant and positive changes to your daily routines or ways of working.
The big news in January is the entry of the North node / Rahu into the sign of Libra on 15th. Generally speaking, for the next 18 months while Rahu is in the partnership sign, many of us are seeking and even craving the best from one-on-one relationships and more balance in the house ruled by Libra in your chart. Our task now is to learn to share with others and get to know the other’s likes, dislikes, quirks, habits, routines, hopes, wishes and fears. Ultimately, lasting companionship based on true reciprocity is the goal over the next 1 ½ years, especially with Saturn in the same sign. It’ll seem like slow process at times but the results can last a lifetime. It’s a time when we can achieve inner balance necessary for us to achieve our goals through partnerships cooperation with others. In Indian astrology, this placement is considered to magnify a passion for beauty, design, harmonious relationships, and social order. Rahu is insatiable and enlarges everything it touches, so some of us may take ‘risks’ and become a bit obsessive in wanting to achieve beautifully balanced, equitable social arrangements. Due to the insatiable nature of the Rahu, balancing multiple relationships, and keeping up a flawless public appearance becomes crucial. For you Cancer, this happens in your 4th house of family, emotions, your home and the past. The 4th house is one of the pillars in the horoscope, alongside the 1st, 7th and 10th houses, which means that it can affect many areas in our lives through just one of the ‘pillar’ houses. This is fairly easy to see as this house affects our internal life, our emotions and how we feel about things. Cancer of course rules emotions, so the next two years will be quite important for you – especially if you have your Moon in Cancer. As your emotional life changes, so will your expectations and how other people see you, what you want from life, the type of partner you choose and the kind you don’t choose anymore. On a more mundane level, this can also simply affect where you life and put down roots. So you see, it can affect your whole life –starting from this month!
The full Moon on 27th January falls across your house axis of the self and other people which includes your committed partnerships. This can also affect your relationship status. It’s a time to meet someone new or bridge the gap between a bit of flirtation to something more serious. There will be a lot of discussion going on around your partnerships, what shape your most intimate relationship takes or should take moving forward. This may even include joint finances. Full Moons are often turning points but as opposed to the new Moons, it’s a turning point that we’ve seen coming for some time or suddenly all the information we need is available to us and we’re ready to make a decision. This full Moon receives planetary support from Jupiter and Uranus but also a square from Saturn. So, if you decide to end a relationship or situation or move forward with it and take it to the next level, it can all happen quite suddenly and the consequences seem to be long-term. In the final days of January, Venus moves into your solar 7th house to smooth out any imbalances in relationships or attract a partner to you that represents something solid in your life. Although some might say that Venus in Capricorn is not the best placement (well, it isn’t), it actually exchanges signs with Saturn. Saturn is in the sign of Venus and vice versa. In Indian astrology, this mutual exchange is called parivartana and is an extremely helpful aspect. It means that your home life and / or inner world forms a strong link to your most committed relationships – perhaps who you do business with also lives with you, i.e. your partner. Houses and transits operate on many different levels so this is just an example.
The month then ends with your ruler Jupiter going direct on 31st January in your 11th house of your hopes, dreams and gains. Your network of friends may be increasing and becoming more and more international but Jupiter in this house simply makes for a positive attitude which is crucial for achieving one’s goals. It’s the kind of optimistic attitude that says ‘I won’t have it any other way. The 11th house is also one of the income houses, Jupiter in this position should also have a positive impact on your bank account.
Monthly solar horoscopes are very general, so get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading or your 2013 forecast. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
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