Jupiter in Sagittarius is born with an enthusiasm for travelling and all things philosophical and spiritual that allow him to expand his horizons. This Jupiter loves travelling through the vast country side where he can feel free and where he can think about the purpose of life. All of which helps him to satisfy the desire for more knowledge, experience and constant inspiration and mental stimulation. This Jupiter wishes his whole life was one big and never-ending adventure and trip around the world.
This Jupiter is direct in his attitude towards other people; he doesn’t see the point in pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. For him, there is no point in bending the truth. This also goes for relationships where he needs a lot of freedom and someone with the same sense of adventure. However, this will also depend on where a person's Ascendant, Moon, Venus and Mars and where they are placed in the chart.
Jupiter in Sagittarius is often convinced of his – current – world view. Very convinced! Although Jupiter is not a warrior as such, but perhaps there is a majority of people with Jupiter in Sagittarius that are involved in religious wars.
Jupiter in its own sign likes everything larger than life – a large house, a large car and an even larger bank account. And above all that, he wants to be seen as well travelled and open-minded. However, due to their innate optimism, they sometimes need to be careful and not think that the bank account fills itself at the end of each month after they’ve lived the high-life.

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