A person with Saturn in the second house most likely grew up in a predictable and very conventional environment where perhaps too much routine was part of the child’s daily life. Saturn limits, restricts (and delays) situations, expectations and results of areas in life connected to the house he sits in so in the second house, the birth family overall was experienced as limiting and a place where stepping out of line was punished in one way or the other. This could also have been in the form of making the person feel guilty for not being and behaving like the other family members.
Saturn also resists
change and innovation, so in particular Saturn in the second house in Aries or
Scorpio – or with an aspect from Mars - views the family environment
traditionally as strict, austere and conservative. The person with Saturn in
the second house may also consistently have the impression that money is tight
or simply too much of it is eaten up by family commitments.
The impact will vary
slightly depending on whether Saturn is exalted, in its own sign or debilitated.
In some cases, the feeling of restriction and limitation can be something that
beneficial and desired and something that brings a feeling of belonging and
security. However, Saturn still delays and imposes some challenging experiences
in the area of family commitment. This means that the person may live away from
the immediate family to get some breathing space or the person will have to go
through some karmic lessons before he is ready to have a family of his own. As
with all Saturn lessons, it might take a lot of repetitive behaviour to get rid
of old, karmic patterns.
The second house is also
the place of the second marriage. So again, Saturn here will not deny a second
marriage but in all likelihood delay. The person with this placement may at
first feel that the idea of entering another family-like environment may be too
limiting and restrictive having gone through certain restrictive experiences before.
every house, Saturn restricts progress to ensure we pause, we look and listen and
learn our karmic lessons. If we accept our responsibilities in a neutral
manner, we also manage to get rid of negative expectations that Saturn brings
to the area in the horoscope it touches.
If you'd like to know how Saturn impacts your relationships, get in touch!
If you'd like to know how Saturn impacts your relationships, get in touch!
This is me . Second house Saturn in Taurus. The family part is right, me constantly depriving myself seeking financial stability. Father had money but enjoyed making us think there was never enough.