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By Louise Gilbert |
What you will have to watch out for, is the Mercury, your ruler and the planet of communication, is still retrograde until 20th July, so this is a period during which you will be asked to redefine how you come across, how other people see you and especially how you communicate with others. Mercury retrograde is a little tricky for Geminis as you naturally switch from topic to topic quite easily. Although much depends on where Mercury is placed in your chart, usually only the slightly sharper ones amongst us follow your way of thinking. Now, however, you may even be confusing yourself and it may take you a lot longer to make up your mind, even if it means ending up with the same decision you started off with.
On the other hand, this is also a great time to review all the plans you’re about to implement. You’re mega-busy at the moment, so take a step back and look at the raw edges that need to be smoothed over, look at what’s still missing and where you’ve overlooked the details. Many Geminis may now be looking at their living situation which may also be under review – take the time to think about what it is that you want in this area and if necessary don’t be scared about changing your mind. By the end of the retrograde period, you’ll be in a better position to tighten up loose ends and commit to your decision. Once Mercury comes out of his shadow – which is the period when he crosses the degree on which he went retrograde – in early August, you will press ahead fast with the plans you’re making now around where you live and most likely also with whom.
The new Moon on 7th July in your own sing is your annual new beginning and unlocks all the potential of having so many planets transiting your sign this month. The Sun puts the spotlight on you, Mars gives you the energy you need and the will to fight your corner, Jupiter gives you the optimism and the opportunities (most likely to do with committed relationships and with international job prospects) while having your ruler in your own sign rounds it all off. This new Moon is in the nakshatra of Ardra, ruled by Rahu. This is the nakshtra of the wild one and the risk-taker. It is a somewhat shrewd placement where we communicate with wild force to elevate ourselves. The ruler of this nakshatra is currently in your 5th house of true love, children and creativity so you may be more willing to take some risks in these areas or you suddenly feel this urge to go after what you want when it comes to love and your own projects you’re working. Equally, you may dedicate a lot of time to your children and perhaps demanding more from them now.
Relationships are the key theme this month and perhaps more so than previously, you’ll realise how far you’ve come in terms of your expectations and overall experience of partnerships. Partnership have taken on a more extreme and intense flavour over these past years and July 2013 looks set to be a breakthrough month where you let go of old behaviour patterns, old unhelpful emotions, resentment and jealousies. With Pluto in opposition, this may not come easily and there may be some things you desperately want to get off your chest but as a Gemini, you know that how you deliver the message is as important that the content. This symbolic death-and-re-birth-type situation of previously known relationship behaviour currently affects especially those born at the beginning of July and those with their Ascendants and Moon signs at around 16 degrees of Gemini.
Then, for the next year, the square between Uranus in your career sector and Pluto impacting how you deal with other people and what you get in return becomes a T-square as Jupiter is now also part of the picture. This releases an enormous amount of potential where your life direction and career as well as your personal and business partnerships are concerned. You’ve been waiting for this change in direction for a long time, now you get the opportunity served to your on a plate – more or less as there will also be some challenges involved. The challenges come in the form of other people and their level commitment as well as the expectation they put on you and there may be some delay in you getting to the point where you are ready to make the decision that’s right for you. However this is a very productive time and perhaps there is a sense that almost nothing can now stop you from reaching your goals if only you put your mind to it. A lot of the most successful people in the world have T-squares in their chart natally as this combination focuses their energies into a certain areas of life and although these aspects can be stressful, ultimately, they push you to bigger and better things.
The full Moon on 22nd July 2013 in Capricorn in your house of shared resources and intimacy introduces a slight shift in focus and seals the deal around relationships including joint finances. Whatever was set into motion 18 months ago in mid-January 2012 is now coming to an end and reached a peak. It may have been a desire for more intimacy that emerged then or, equally, you may have applied for a loan or started sorting out your finances which are notorious for their ups and downs. Combined with a change in life direction including a change in career and how you go about your daily business, you may be negotiating a new salary package at this time or you are keen to determine what the next phase of your relationship looks like. A great month, all in all.
Happy birthday, Gemini!
Monthly forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, Google + and Twitter now, see you there!
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