A sense of belonging
The Moon is exalted in Taurus and
someone with this placement has a strong basic need for security, both
emotional and financial. Whatever someone with the Moon in Taurus has acquired,
he wants to keep, maintain and preferably store in a safe place. This Moon
appreciates the predictability of routine, familiar surroundings and belonging
to a close-knit group, community, circle of friends and of course their family.
This sense of belonging and security gives them strength and makes them feel
appreciated and valued.
Taurus is ruled by Venus and
therefore, a little luxury - a Gucci bag here and there won't go amiss.
Surrounding themselves with luxury items gives these people a great deal of
satisfaction and almost a sense of being grounded. Taurus is also the sign of
the collector and while quality is of utmost importance, so is their desire to
accumulate and grow their belongings, wealth and ultimately, their sense of
Taurus is also a very social sign,
so this is an excellent placement for organising social events where good food
and wine are on the menu. Equally, this Moon enjoys gathering, collecting, treasuring,
cherishing, saving and conserving things that are valuable - if only to them.
In some extreme cases, this can result in a tendency to hoard, after all,
Taurus is also a fixed sign and doesn't easily let go! This of course also
means that someone with the Moon in Taurus is one of the most loyal people
you'll meet. The saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed could have
been invented with a Taurus Moon person in mind. Problems however arise when the
feelings of loyalty go beyond what is healthy and warning signals around those
who take advantage are ignored.
Queen Victoria had her Moon in Taurus together with the Sun in the first house.
The Sun rules her house of home, land and country, so she deeply identified with her homeland on all levels, most importantly on an emotional one. The sign of Taurus is aspected by expansive Jupiter who sits in the area of global wisdom in her chart. Her reign was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire which during this period reached its peak.
Diving in head first
The Moon in Aries needs competition like they need
air to breathe. Someone with this placement wants to compete, even with
themselves, and arrive FIRST at all times. With the combination of Moon and
Mars, the ruler of Aries, a desire to have one's needs met immediately and
without any regard of the consequences is often present - more so in younger
The Moon in Aries wants to feel like a triumphant winner, the best in class and the champion. However,
no matter how hard this Moon wants to win, he won't cheat. Aries has no time or
patience for scheming plans of how cheat others out of their advantage, so this
Moon will do its best to come first but in an honest manner. This Moon needs to
be physically active in order to be emotionally satisfied and to absorb all the
extra energy within and surrounding them.
Nevertheless, someone with the Moon in Aries occasionally
expresses their emotions in a more juvenile manner - acting fast and without
hesitation. Typically, they like a bit of a fight and if there is no-one to rub
up the wrong way, they may well go for the person standing next to them!
Ultimately, someone with this placement wears
their heart on their sleeves. You tend to know what they as they react
immediately and from the heart. However, whether the emotions are good or bad,
angry or sad, they often pass after a very short while. This is not someone who
bears a grudge and remains resentful for a long time although initially, others
may get the impression they are.
If under pressure or stress, it's the head that
absorbs all emotions, so someone with Moon in Aries can be prone to headaches.
Anita Ekberg, the Swedish model and actress has her Moon in Aries, with the ruler of the sign, Mars in opposition.
Mars in Libra together with the Moon in Aries can be interpreted as being competitive with their Looks. She certainly did compete in a number of model contests - and won.
So, here it
is, the Royal Baby has been born and what a birth chart it has chosen. The son
of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge was born on 22nd July 2013 at
4:24pm GMT in London. At this time, the rising sign was Scorpio and the ruler
of the Scorpio, Mars was in the 8th house of transformation,
psychology, counselling, death and rebirth type situations and especially
hidden money and inheritance. The latter is obvious already! In any case, this
combination is a double whammy and under other circumstances would be befitting
for someone who is set to become a counsellor or healer of some sort based on
the experiences he will make that will transform his personality deeply over
time. It looks like the Prince of Cambridge will grow into an adult not afraid
to shy away from the depths of life with its ups and downs.
Sidereal astrology chart |
Now, with a
Scorpio Ascendant, this child is set to compete for social validation and with
the ruler of the Ascendant in the 8th house, he will understand the
power of intuition, hidden and unspoken signals and in all likelihood may be
inclined to a certain amount of manipulation. This is a secretive combination
and there will be a side to him that he will try and keep just to himself - but
who can blame him, given the role he has been born into.
he is a 'secret keeper', the 'treasure hunter' and generally identified and
subject to sudden changes in his environment that over the years will shape his
personality. This is someone who is privy to confidential knowledge, especially
with Mercury in the same house.
The Prince of Cambridge
was also born during a full Moon in Capricorn across the axis in this chart to
do with communication, media, publishing, learning, philosophy, religion and
travels. With the Moon in Capricorn, he may experience his mother as being
fairly strict, educating him to become a hard working individual who, it seems,
will turn into a public speaker, a gifted writer and frequent global traveller.
Of course, this seems obvious given the role he will have to fulfil over his lifetime
but he will consider messaging and communication a strong part of his public
duties and with the Moon so strong, this placement will help him fulfil this
role with ease. This child will be taught to be a clear thinker and
The 3rd house,
which is home to his Moon, is also the place of his younger siblings for which
he will be a responsible older brother. He'll be very close to them who may
take on the role of a mentor in his dealings with them. The Sun in Cancer
aspecting the house of siblings of course supports his emotional need to be close to his siblings.
The nakshatra of the Moon
during his time of birth was Uttara-ashadha,
the remover of obstacles. This portion of the chart is ruled by the Sun, his
guiding principle throughout his life. Born under this star, he will have the
humanitarian vision to see all people as equals, no matter what their
background. This is a sincere character who lives and lets live. However, this
is also the nakshatra that, although he will be trained to do so, carries a lot
of responsibility at a young age. With the Sun in the very public 9th
house, responsibilities may mainly evolve around education, knowledge, beliefs
and what is said and expressed on a global stage. His reputation is also very
much tied into what he knows and how he expresses his wisdom, beliefs and his
own life philosophy. what he beliefs in may be shaped by his frequent travels,
his higher education and the knowledge that will be passed down from his
father, Prince William. In fact, he will play a central role as this child's
mentor and teacher and the one who provides the most security to him.
there is also an element that although he will one day be a leader and from day
one, a very public figure, he may view these responsibilities as a burden. And
even though part of his ego will want to be a leader, having been born into a
very regulated environment that will gear him towards great responsibilities,
his real interests may simply lie in learning, education, universities, religion,
teaching, research and spirituality on a broader scale.
In his
chart, there are also indications that he will spend a lot of time broad,
possibly for educational purposes from the age of 20 in particular.
In terms of
relationships, his wife may be the one, similar to his mother, who brings the
glamour into the mix. She will be the one enhancing and strengthening his regal
status and will make an apt queen for sure!
I follow the sidereal calendar; this is the monthly solar horoscope
for birthdays from 14th April to 15th May or Aries
Ascendants or Moons
the backdrop as we head into August is the ongoing
stellium in Gemini that’s connected to the ongoing Grand Trine in air together
with Saturn and Neptune. This has already introduced a lot
of ease – or emphasis - around communication, social media, short-term projects
and short-distance travel plans, interaction with siblings, writing and
publishing. Especially with two other planets aspecting your 3rd house
from a supportive angle, you tend to be highly idealistic, intellectualise
situations and issues but you are also more
social during this time. You formulate our ideas clearly,
develop connections with other people, make new contacts and expand
your mental faculties with greater ease. All of the airy Gemini energy
opposes transformative Pluto, who, in your area of the higher mind has been changing
the way you think and look at the bigger picture over the past years.
Pluto in this mix too, we now have a Kite aspect. The influence of the Kite pattern
is similar to Grand Trines but where a trine is easy and we might not even
notice it if we don’t pay attention, the Kite motivates and opens up potential.
The vocal point of the Kite, again, is in Gemini, your house of
communication and the mind.
may feature strongly for you this month and you pour a lot of energy into your
ideas, thoughts and how you get them across. You may also be given more work
projects to handle or lead as other see you as a capable team player, public
speaker or messenger who wants to get involved, spreading your words of wisdom
that you bring to the table. As a result of all of this you may have to deal
with a lot more paperwork, filing all your expenses from your frequent travels.
All if
this are external signs of what it also happening inside – and this is a change of mind. Not
that Aries are particularly stuck in their ways, traditionally, you can look at
other people’s point of view quite well, given Mercury is well disposed in your
chart. However, this month, you continue to challenge your long-held beliefs,
perhaps with surprising results. Keep asking yourself why it is you want
something and you may come to a realisation that you had not considered before.
This realisation can also have an impact on your partnerships which flow much
easier this month – equally, if you’ve been looking for a way out from one particular
relationship, then you may now find the right words, the courage and the right
way to do that. After all, your relationships are still hard work for the time
being - your partner may be somewhat unavailable and the clearing out continues.
So, this
is the backdrop of what then follows when Mercury changes signs on 5th August
2013 and moves into Cancer just before the new Moon in the same sign on 6th August. This
happens in your 4th house of home, feelings, emotions
and the heart. Your living situation is now on the radar and you may decide to
sell, buy, refurbish or if none of this is the case in August, you may simply
get the ball rolling and at least, think about any of these options – or you’ll
have a change of heart
completely. With such a heavy focus on this area in your chart, a lot of
communication may evolve around the home later on in the month, including
contracts. Security is important to you now, especially the one that comes from
owning a property and generally feeling secure in your own four walls.
Naturally, this is also a period when you spend a lot of time with your family
and in particular your mother.
This new
Moon is in the nakshatra of Aszlesa, ruled by Mercury. It’s the intimate
connection and embrace. It’s where we find emotional strength to defeat your
enemies. It’s also a time when we are emotionally needier than at others times
and with Mercury, the ruler of this nakshatra in the same sign of Cancer, you
or others in life may speak before they think and react to events more
emotionally and even harshly with Saturn eye on this new Moon. If can, take a
step back.
Once the
Sun moves sign on 17th August,
your mood is flirtatious and outgoing. Where before you may have had some
insecurities, especially around your own identity and how you really are at the
moment, you are now a bundle of confidence! The world is your stage and –
almost anything goes. This is a very social time for you
and the full Moon on 21st August represents
a peak time for social engagements. It can also be the end or the natural
conclusion of a long-term project that began in February 2012. It can highlight
a bonus for a job well done or a time when your group of friends, acquaintances
and business contacts are all gathering around you. This quite literally can be
a great time for business. However, Neptune is not far and Mercury, the planet
of communication is in opposition to the full Moon, so be careful of false
friends or lovers and offers that look too good to be true – they’ll turn out
to be nothing but hot air.
The month
ends with all planets, not counting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, spreading out in
six subsequent houses. Vedic astrology calls this Kal Sarp Yoga when all the
planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu or the Moon’s nodes. When you read
about this yoga, I’m not surprised that some people get the fear of god when
reading about this yoga. However, awareness always goes a long way and with
this combination, there is a rather deep and complex compulsion across the axis
of the nodes – Aries and Libra. So, the end of August seems to be a
time where we do a lot of subconscious processing of the past and
for you, there is a lot of growing beyond unhealthy relationship patterns and how
we communicate in relationships.
Have a great month, Aries!
Monthly forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are
interested in an individual
chart reading. In readings, I use the
Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy.
You can also follow me on Facebook, Google + and Twitter, see you there!
I follow the sidereal calendar; this is the monthly
solar horoscope for birthdays from 16th May to 15th June of Taurus Ascendants and Moons
a lot of energy and focus has recently gone into the area of your chart to do
with your income as Jupiter, Mars and Mercury have been transiting through the
sign of Gemini, your second house. As we head into August this stellium in
Gemini is still connected to the ongoing Grand Trine together with Saturn and Neptune.
During these times, we tend to be highly idealistic, we intellectualise
situations and issues but we are also more social during this time. We
formulate our ideas, develop connections and expanding our mental faculties
with greater ease. For you, this means that although career and
overall life direction have already taken on a less rigid tone over the past
years, your financial situation looks quite favourable – even though you may sometimes
not be sure which way to turn as work and every-day life is currently so
demanding, even filled with some conflict, you’ve had little time to look at
the bigger picture.
month, however, the focus on the air signs is connected to Pluto in Sagittarius, who,
in your 8th house of transformation, joint resources, bank loans and taxes has
introduced some profound changes in these areas. So, with
Pluto in the mix too, we now have a Kite aspect. The influence of the Kite pattern
is similar to Grand Trines but where a trine is easy and we might not even
notice it if we don’t pay attention, the Kite motivates and opens up potential.
The vocal point of the Kite, again, is in
Gemini, your house of income introducing some level of ease and opportunity. This has
been ongoing for a number of weeks now and a lot may have changed and
opportunities may have opened up since Jupiter’s arrival in this house. While
previously, you contemplated your options and the new Moon on July 8th
unlocked the potential, Mars in your 2nd house
now really makes things happen but also cause a bit of a stir.
Mars can also make you spend, spend, spend, especially impulsively, so watch
out for that.
changes signs on 5th August
2013 and moves into Cancer just before the new Moon in the same sign on 6th August. This is
a time when your imagination runs wild, you’re a lot more intuitive and your
mind works overtime. The result of this can be a very creative one, with new ideas
and contacts made. In any case, your phone won’t stop ringing and you’ll be
rushing from one place to the other. Some of you may also be involved or
concerned with property matters – if negotiations are not on the agenda this
month, they will be in September. Until then, if you can, sit tight.
This new
Moon is in the nakshatra of Aszlesa, ruled by Mercury. It’s the intimate
connection and embrace. It’s where we find emotional strength to defeat your
enemies. It’s also a time when we are emotionally needier than at others times
and with Mercury, the ruler of this nakshatra in the same sign of Cancer, you
or others in life may speak before they think and react to events more
emotionally and even harshly with Saturn eye on this new Moon. If can, take a step
those who are single and looking, these transits are a great opportunity to
connect with new people online or via a course (cooking anyone?) where you
acquire new skills. New contacts are on the horizon and who knows, someone
special might be among them – the flow of
interaction with others is certainly a lot easier than in the previous two
The full
Moon on 21st August is conjunct Neptune and in your house of career and
life direction. You’ll be doing a lot of networking, communicating and debating
and a lot of Taureans will be looking for a change in routine. Work has been
demanding and projects have not always been running smoothly while at the same
time, promotions may have been elusive. The latter half of August is a time for
you to capitalise on what you’ve learnt, who you spoke to and any new insights
you got or skills you acquired. It’s time to get clear about what you want
career-wise and in life in general so that you’re ready to impress those that
are worth impressing. Make your mark this month!
As well
as your goals and your career, the end of the month also introduced a shift
from all the communicating and debating and you become a little more
introspective. The focus is on your home life and living environment and while
the full Moon does put the spotlight on life direction, it is also a time of you
rethinking your living situation. Whatever began in February 2012 is coming to
a conclusion now – a house move is finalised or a final decision on what to do
and where to move to is made.
Have a
great month, Taurus!
Monthly forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are
interested in an individual
chart reading. In readings, I use the
Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy.
You can also follow me on Facebook, Google + and Twitter, see you there!
I follow the Vedic calendar; this is the monthly solar
horoscope for birthdays from 16th June to 15th July or Gemini Ascendants and Moons
this is still very much your month when all the attention is on you. These
days, you are most likely concerned with relationships, new and existing ones
as well as those in the
pipeline, or the lack of any of these possibilities. If this latter is the case,
this should soon change with Jupiter in your own sign for the next 11 months.
Jupiter rules your house of committed relationships which means that you now
spend a lot of time either actively looking for a partner or you commit to an
existing partnership where before you’ve kept your options open. You closely
identify with being in a stable and reliable relationship now which is not
always the status quo for a typical Gemini. Having said that, Jupiter is the
planet of plenty and in flirty Gemini, some of you might be spoilt for choice
over these next 12 months, so choose wisely who you really want to commit to.
You don’t want to get tangled up in complicated love triangles.
August seems to be a beautiful and fairly easy time for you with the stellium
in your own sign that’s connected to the ongoing Grand Trine in air together with Saturn
and Neptune. During these times, you tend to be highly idealistic,
intellectualise situations and issues but we are also more social. You
formulate new ideas, develop connections and expanding our mental faculties
with greater ease. However, all of the airy Gemini energy opposes
transformative Pluto, who, in your house of committed relationships has been
changing your tracks over the past years. With Pluto in the mix too, we now
have a Kite aspect. The influence of the Kite pattern
is similar to Grand Trines but where a trine is easy and we might not even
notice it if we don’t pay attention, the Kite motivates and opens up potential.
The vocal point of the Kite is in Gemini, your house of self and your physical
appearance. You radiate a lot of energy now which attracts new people and
experiences to you. Relationships are a big part in this.
The only
thing you need to watch out for is Mars in your own sign makes you more prone
to verbal aggression and impatience. Not everyone is as sharp and quick-witted
as you are so take a deep breath.
What the
Mars transit is good for is socialising, networking, your financial gains and
bonuses which is also high on the agenda. A lot of Geminis are thinking about a
career change or more responsibility in their jobs at the moment and Mars gives
you that little kick up the butt to make things happen – it all starts with a
desire and then a decision, not something Geminis are renown for.
ruler Mercury then changes signs on 5th August
2013 and moves into Cancer just before the new Moon in the same sign on 6th August. This
new Moon is in your second house and a number of things could emerge then.
Primarily, I think this is about your finances. It’s a new cycle and what last
month’s full Moon in Capricorn brought to a close, the August new Moon in your
house of income may be a welcome new start. It could be connected to a new
position or a profitable new sideline could emerge as a result of all the
networking and socialising you’ve been doing. In any case, there will be a lot
of negotiating and deal-making happening. You will need to watch your spending,
however, as Saturn is in an aspect that means you need to be disciplined with
your money.
This new
Moon is in the nakshatra of Aszlesa, ruled by Mercury. It’s the intimate
connection and embrace. It’s where we find emotional strength to defeat your
enemies. It’s also a time when we are emotionally needier than at others times
and with Mercury, the ruler of this nakshatra in the same sign of Cancer, you
or others in life may speak before they think and react to events more
emotionally and even harshly with Saturn eye on this new Moon. If can, take a
step back.
The full
Moon on 21st August is conjunct Neptune in your 9th house
of the higher mind. Although Neptune can put its nebulous touch on the areas in
the chart he transits through, this full Moon can actually make you more
receptive and intuitive. You’ll be very much in your element then, this is a
highly communicative and busy time during which you’ll make new experiences,
learn a new skill, lead a project and make new contacts. For many of you, this
is also a creative time, full of new ideas, some of which you may want to
communicate to the masses in the form of a blog or website, any which way you
can reach a large audience. This full Moon is connected to a new Moon in
February 2012, so think about what started then – a higher education course,
the idea to go on a world trip, mentoring, teaching etc. – is coming to a peak
and a conclusion.
then ends with all planets, not counting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, spreading
out in six subsequent houses. Vedic astrology calls this Kal Sarp Yoga when all
the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu or the Moon’s nodes. When you read
about this yoga, I’m not surprised that some people get the fear of god when
reading about this yoga. However, awareness always goes a long way and with
this combination, there is a rather deep and complex compulsion across the axis
of the nodes – Aries and Libra. So, the end of August seems to be a
time where we do a lot of subconscious processing of the past, we’re more
withdrawn as we work on unresolved emotions. Across the Aries and Libra axis,
there is a lot of growing beyond unhealthy relationship patterns and how we
communicate in relationships.
For you
Gemini, this also includes your goals, hopes and wishes. What you want to
achieve and how. Are you clear about what you want to achieve and why or do you
just think you are?
Have a great month, Gemini!
Monthly forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are
interested in an individual
chart reading. In readings, I use the
Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy.
You can also follow me on Facebook, Google + and Twitter, see you there!