
Halle Berry and her second pregnancy


Halle Berry is pregnant with her second child at the age of 46 and there are some astrological factors to support this. She was first pregnant with her daughter Nahla Ariela Aubry from June / July 2007 to March 2008 at the age of 40.
Halle has her Ascendant in Aries and the ruler of the 5th house, which is the place of the first child, is therefore ruled by the Sun and the sign of Leo. Leo is where we create something and children are the ultimate form of creation.

In her chart, the Sun is placed in the 4th house of home, the mother, schooling, the past, property and homeland. Although this placement creates some physical distance to children, the Sun is in a so-called angular house together with the ruler of this house, the Moon. In Vedic astrology, this is called a Raja yoga, or prosperity yoga, and promises beneficial outcomes. We don’t know the exact nature of her relationship with her daughter, however, there have been newspaper articles about her being on location filming abroad while her daughter attends school at home so extended periods of absence seem present.

Having said that, her Moon is exalted in the sign of Cancer and the nakshatra of Pushya, the nakshatra of nourishment. Together with the Sun, this combination speaks for a close emotional bond to her child or children. 
Halle is currently going through the twenty-year Mahadasha time period (or major time period) of Venus from 2000 – 2020. Venus is the ruler of her area of relationships – the 7th house – and the area of to do with family – the 2nd house. Venus is also in an angular house, together with the Sun and the Moon, so again (and even though Venus does not feel so comfortable in Cancer) we can expect good results during this time period. 
Venus is also the ruler of her so-called Saptamsa chart or the chart for children. In this harmonic chart, Venus is in the 5th house of children in the sign of Aquarius. As Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the great taskmaster, we can already expect some delays in conceiving a child and even though many women today don’t have children until their late 30s, it is still considered a little later in life than usual. In Halle’s chart of children, Rahu / the North node sits in the first house and aspects the 5th house of children together with exalted Saturn in Libra. Rahu wants things he can’t have – or he always wants what he hasn’t got - immediately and without thinking twice while Saturn puts the breaks on. This combination of the two planets in the same house means a long learning process. It’s a karmic combination, so a person with this placement has to go through a lot of learning experiences and moments of realisation before results are granted. So, again, this points towards some delay in having children but does not prevent them. 
She fell pregnant with her first child just as she entered the sub-period of Rahu. Rahu in her first house of the body and the self in both her natal chart and the chart of children undoubtedly produced significant results. It would have been a time for her when she felt the urge, a longing and the need to have a child. Her daughter was born during the sub-sub-period of Jupiter, the planet of expansion and the significator of children. 

Now, during her second pregnancy (the first one with Olivier Martinez), Halle is still going through the Mahadasha, or major, time period of Venus, the ruler of her 7th house and the area in the chart that represents the second child. Remember that Venus is also the (overall) ruler of her chart of children. Since July 2010, she has been going through the sub-period of Jupiter, the planet of expansion who aspects the area of the second child in her chart. Jupiter is the planet that brings hope, optimism and opportunity to the area of the chart he sits in and those he aspects. So, this is another strong indicator of another pregnancy. 

Other indicators that support at least events, changes, developments, perhaps even initial challenges in this area are Saturn and Rahu transiting through her the area of the second child as well as the eclipse cycle hitting this area over the course of the year. This year’s eclipse cycle began in April 2013, just two weeks after Halle made the announcement of her three month pregnancy. If timings are correct, then she will give birth during the next lunar eclipse in October 2013. 
The eclipse cycle this year is also conjunct her North and South node axis in both her natal chart and the chart of children, making events and ‘results’ in this area in her chart even more likely. I’d also expect that this child will continuously provide her with the kind of challenges that lead to greater self-knowledge and self-awareness.


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