
August 2013 horoscope - Gemini

I follow the Vedic calendar; this is the monthly solar horoscope for birthdays from 16th June to 15th July or Gemini Ascendants and Moons

By Louise Gilbert
Gemini, this is still very much your month when all the attention is on you. These days, you are most likely concerned with relationships, new and existing ones as well as those in the pipeline, or the lack of any of these possibilities. If this latter is the case, this should soon change with Jupiter in your own sign for the next 11 months. Jupiter rules your house of committed relationships which means that you now spend a lot of time either actively looking for a partner or you commit to an existing partnership where before you’ve kept your options open. You closely identify with being in a stable and reliable relationship now which is not always the status quo for a typical Gemini. Having said that, Jupiter is the planet of plenty and in flirty Gemini, some of you might be spoilt for choice over these next 12 months, so choose wisely who you really want to commit to. You don’t want to get tangled up in complicated love triangles.

Early August seems to be a beautiful and fairly easy time for you with the stellium in your own sign that’s connected to the ongoing Grand Trine in air together with Saturn and Neptune. During these times, you tend to be highly idealistic, intellectualise situations and issues but we are also more social. You formulate new ideas, develop connections and expanding our mental faculties with greater ease. However, all of the airy Gemini energy opposes transformative Pluto, who, in your house of committed relationships has been changing your tracks over the past years. With Pluto in the mix too, we now have a Kite aspect. The influence of the Kite pattern is similar to Grand Trines but where a trine is easy and we might not even notice it if we don’t pay attention, the Kite motivates and opens up potential. The vocal point of the Kite is in Gemini, your house of self and your physical appearance. You radiate a lot of energy now which attracts new people and experiences to you. Relationships are a big part in this.

The only thing you need to watch out for is Mars in your own sign makes you more prone to verbal aggression and impatience. Not everyone is as sharp and quick-witted as you are so take a deep breath.

What the Mars transit is good for is socialising, networking, your financial gains and bonuses which is also high on the agenda. A lot of Geminis are thinking about a career change or more responsibility in their jobs at the moment and Mars gives you that little kick up the butt to make things happen – it all starts with a desire and then a decision, not something Geminis are renown for. 

Your ruler Mercury then changes signs on 5th August 2013 and moves into Cancer just before the new Moon in the same sign on 6th August. This new Moon is in your second house and a number of things could emerge then. Primarily, I think this is about your finances. It’s a new cycle and what last month’s full Moon in Capricorn brought to a close, the August new Moon in your house of income may be a welcome new start. It could be connected to a new position or a profitable new sideline could emerge as a result of all the networking and socialising you’ve been doing. In any case, there will be a lot of negotiating and deal-making happening. You will need to watch your spending, however, as Saturn is in an aspect that means you need to be disciplined with your money.

This new Moon is in the nakshatra of Aszlesa, ruled by Mercury. It’s the intimate connection and embrace. It’s where we find emotional strength to defeat your enemies. It’s also a time when we are emotionally needier than at others times and with Mercury, the ruler of this nakshatra in the same sign of Cancer, you or others in life may speak before they think and react to events more emotionally and even harshly with Saturn eye on this new Moon. If can, take a step back.

The full Moon on 21st August is conjunct Neptune in your 9th house of the higher mind. Although Neptune can put its nebulous touch on the areas in the chart he transits through, this full Moon can actually make you more receptive and intuitive. You’ll be very much in your element then, this is a highly communicative and busy time during which you’ll make new experiences, learn a new skill, lead a project and make new contacts. For many of you, this is also a creative time, full of new ideas, some of which you may want to communicate to the masses in the form of a blog or website, any which way you can reach a large audience. This full Moon is connected to a new Moon in February 2012, so think about what started then – a higher education course, the idea to go on a world trip, mentoring, teaching etc. – is coming to a peak and a conclusion.

August then ends with all planets, not counting Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, spreading out in six subsequent houses. Vedic astrology calls this Kal Sarp Yoga when all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu or the Moon’s nodes. When you read about this yoga, I’m not surprised that some people get the fear of god when reading about this yoga. However, awareness always goes a long way and with this combination, there is a rather deep and complex compulsion across the axis of the nodes – Aries and Libra. So, the end of August seems to be a time where we do a lot of subconscious processing of the past, we’re more withdrawn as we work on unresolved emotions. Across the Aries and Libra axis, there is a lot of growing beyond unhealthy relationship patterns and how we communicate in relationships.

For you Gemini, this also includes your goals, hopes and wishes. What you want to achieve and how. Are you clear about what you want to achieve and why or do you just think you are?

Have a great month, Gemini!

Monthly forecasts are very broad, so get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, Google + and Twitter, see you there!

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