
November 2012 horoscope - Cancer

I follow the sidereal calendar; this is the monthly solar horoscope for birthdays from 16th July to 15th August

A big month for all of us Cancer! The exciting news of course is that the solar eclipse is happening on 13th November at about 10pm GMT just at the end of Libra conjuncting the North node in Scorpio. This is a hugely exciting month, sparking a lot of changes in all our lives.

New moons are new beginnings – sometimes the ones we can’t see immediately – but tied into the eclipse, it’s a time of powerful change, transformation and a turning point for many Cancerians. The eclipse is happening in your 4th house of family, your mother, emotions, how and who you nurture, your past, the place where you live and generally, the place where you feel at home. The 4th house is also one the angular houses – one of the pillars that we all build our lives on. Angular houses in the horoscope are dynamic and planets in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses express the most action and have the strongest impact. Same with the rulers of these houses. Therefore, an eclipse in one of these house sparks changes not only in your home and emotional life but it affects your professional life and it can also impact your relationships – simply put, it might impact Cancerians’ entire life direction. For the next six months until the lunar eclipse occurs in the opposite sign of Aries, the focus will be on all of these areas – a lot to take in. Watch out for further clues and progress in these matters when the North node passes the eclipse point on 15th January and for the lunar eclipse in May 2013. I will talk more about the North node in your solar 4th house next month before it moves into this area for 18 months in mid-January 2013.

Looking at Vedic astrology, this solar eclipse is in the nakshatra of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter gives strength, faith and optimism while Vishakha Moons are said to reap the fruits of their labour eventually but only after some time and some effort. With Saturn in the same sign as the eclipse, delays may well occur and some effort and discipline is required to reap the benefits.

Saturn is actually transiting your solar 4th house of emotions for the next two years or so. This means that the foundations of your world, your sense of security, your relationships with others and probably more importantly yourself, are undergoing deep transformations over this time. This may not be the easiest time but it is an extremely important time for Cancerians. You will focus on your innermost personal and domestic life and anything you have been putting up with emotionally will come to a head. Consequently, this leads to a complete reshuffling of your home environment, personal relationships and potentially also your job situations over the next 24 months. This may also be a good time to seek professional help to help you make sense of your changing emotions. Saturn at the bottom of your chart also means that you end a period of years of preparation - from a change in who you are to sorting out your sense of self-worth or quite literally your finances to the way you communicate and now, how you feel about others and yourself. It’s time when you begin to move upward again although the process is slow – pay attention to how you build these new foundations in your life and who is part of it moving forward. It may not feel like it right now but it’s a time of new beginnings, especially with the North node about to move into this area of your chart as well with huge changes in your home and family environment.

Until 17th November, Venus is in your flirty 3rd house of communication and Mercury is in the 5th house of love affairs. There might be a stunning connection with someone you meet early on in the month. However, Mercury then goes retrograde from 7th November and in the 5th house, this means that with all that flirty text messaging someone or even yourself could get the wrong end of the stick so it’s important to not put yourself  in a situation where you could offend someone. Equally, don’t take things too seriously yourself. I know this is easier said than done at the moment with Saturn now in your 4th house. When Venus then moves into the 4th house and joins Saturn, this combination can highlight a close and intimate relationship that might cool down a notch – give it some time and talk things through.

In terms of your day to day work situation, Mars moves into your 6th house joining up with Pluto. Since May, some of you may have been caught up in a work situation where a lot of your input and effort was. This situation eases a little this month but Mars and Pluto together means that whatever resentment you may have felt now boils over quite easily if this has been building up since the spring. Just be conscious that things don’t bubble over and try and get some rest. The 6th house this is also the house of health and if you overdo it now and your health is affected, this is why. I know it’s pre-Christmas party season and of course you will be out and about but with Venus and Saturn at the bottom of your chart for most of the month, you may feel like staying at home a little more, wrapping those presents.

The month ends with a full moon which, this time, is also a lunar eclipse. This happens across your 5th house of romance, children and (pro-) creativity and the 11th house of hope, wishes, friends and the wider community. Perhaps there is a new child on the way, a creative project you’ve been working on with friends comes to fruition or a romantic interest enters your life. This area will be a particular focus in December when five planets will be moving through this house.  

Have a great month Cancer, a lot is happening – enjoy!

PS: You can also follow me on Facebook. See you there!

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