
November 2012 horoscope - Libra

I follow the sidereal calendar; this is the monthly solar horoscope for birthdays from 16th October to 15th November

Libra, what an exciting and eventful month it is going to be. The Sun is still in your solar first house and usually, this is the best part of the year for you as a new cycle begins. It’s your solar return, so the Sun in your sign is at hand to help you remain focused on the things you want to achieve. You can project yourself with more forcefulness and you have a more than average need to express yourself creatively. This year, however, you might still be getting used to Saturn’s arrival in your sign. Saturn is here to narrow your focus and limit how you apply your energy. Who you are is in a state of change and transformation at the moment and the next two or so years are a time to strip down your focus to what is critical to your growth and self-development.

November 2012 is also eclipse month and the solar eclipse is happening on 13th November at about 10pm GMT just at the end of Libra conjuncting the North node in Scorpio. This is a hugely exciting month, sparking a lot of changes in all our lives. This solar eclipse is happening in your 1st house and an eclipse there suggests that the focus is on your personal identity, self-development, -recognition and -esteem. Part of this process is also acknowledging your weaknesses as well as a certain lack of strength in some areas. You might doubt your life direction and perhaps feel a little insecure and isolated at this time but think about where you can enrich yourself - where you have not stood up for yourself, where you did not stand up for your own goals and express your desires?

Although the eclipse is still in Libra (just!), the month starts off with Mercury in your second house, alongside Mars until the 8th, the Moon’s node and from 17th also the Sun. In fact, for the past 18 or so months, there has been a big focus for you on finances – yours and those of other people. Maybe you’ve been working on a new business idea or one or more sources of income had to go, were taken from you or received some sort of a shake-up. Or there were a number of unexpected bills around the house. In any case, by the end of this period, you should hopefully emerge in a much stronger position and maybe you’ve also learned a thing or two when it comes to dealing with money. With the ruler of your money house, Mars transiting the 2nd house until the 8th some turbulent but transformative times are ahead when it comes to your finances and self-worth. The good news is that November is the last month for another 18.5 years when the noise coming from this house axis is as high-pitched as it has been.

So, although the eclipse is technically in your first house, I feel that the main focus will actually be on your finances this month. You have also had Jupiter in the 8th house of joint finances, loans, other people’s money, inheritance, death & rebirth and transformation since the summer. Jupiter is now in retrograde motion until 31st January 2013 (read my blog post on what this means in general). For you, this just means that your 2nd and 8th house axis of finance receive this extra emphasis. In retrograde motion, we are internalising, stabilising and strengthening everything that has been put in front of us. With Jupiter in Taurus, we are now looking for practical ways to apply our new-found knowledge. Again, for Libras, this may relate to all 8th house matters.

Mercury is retrograde this month too until 27th November, so if you can help it, make sure you don’t sign contracts on the dotted line until the end of the month. If you absolutely have to, don’t rush things even if the retrograde period starts driving you mad. It’s such a powerful money month, you don’t want to realise you've overlooked an important detail in the small print. Patience is a virtue now and who knows, maybe it’s even for the better as information you have not been privy to before is exposed when Mercury turns direct. Especially around the full moon on 28th, details, concepts, issues and ideas in this area that were put forwarded or started to emerge around the eclipse (new moon!) are brought to light and come to a conclusion now.

Looking at Vedic astrology, this solar eclipse is in the nakshatra of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter gives strength, faith and optimism while Vishakha Moons are said to reap the fruits of their labour eventually but only after some time and some effort. With Saturn in the same sign as the eclipse, delays may well occur and some effort and discipline may be required. Jupiter is also the ruler of your solar 6th house. In Vedic astrology, the 6th, 8th and 12th houses are so-called dusthana houses meaning ‘place of suffering’. However, if a ruler of one dusthana house is placed in another, it mitigates the negative effect. The key words for this transit are regeneration (8th house) through some conflict (6th house), obtainment of secret loans (8th house) and catastrophic situations that lead to obtainment of loans.

Watch out for further clues and progress when the North node passes the eclipse point on 15th January 2013 and for the lunar eclipse in May 2013.

Meanwhile, Venus, the ruler of your 7th house of personal and business partnerships moves into your 1st house on 17th joining up with Saturn while your rulers Mars and Pluto join forces in your solar 3rd house from 9th November. It is now becoming clearer who you can trust and relate to in your love life and relationships. In your relationships, it is becomes clearer who is most suited to you and who will stay in it with you for the long-haul. If a relationship has been rocky, this period might also spell the beginning of the end – it might sound scary but no one leaves your life without any reason.

To sum it up, the emphasis in November is still on sorting out your financial situation but as the month progresses, there should be a lot of forward movement. Uranus is in a good angle to your 2nd house, so any developments could come out of the blue.

PS: You can also follow me on Facebook. See you there!

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