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By Louise Gilbert |
On the other hand, this may also increase your desire to be intimate with someone or you learn to be more intimate. With Mercury and Venus still in your 7th house of partnerships, you may well attract someone who is very charming, communicative and easygoing. Of course it may also be that you are a lot more charming and attractive to others as communications between you and your partner or potential mate flows much easier. Mercury is moving forward again this month so it’s also a great time for negotiations in business and getting the deal done. You’re in a loving mood and people are more appreciative of you in those first days of December. It’s a nicer transit after all the big bang changes from November.
However, Saturn is still in opposition to your sign for the next two years. In December, birthdays from 28th April to 1st May have Saturn directly opposing their Sun – this affects Aries Moons and Ascendants from 13 – 15 degrees of Aries give or take 3 degrees or so. Although you may feel that things are moving very slowly for you at this moment in time and other people may be opposing your interests and goals (or so it seems), it’s such an important time of your life. Saturn demands that you restructure whatever it touches. For the next two years, this will be about your relationships with others, committed or business relationships. You will establish more structure or even barriers in and around relationships. This is a great thing if, up to now, you have felt that people take you for granted or that you were not fully in control in relationships. So, no more of that! Again, this is not only for your personal relationships but also in business and in fact any one-to-one encounters. You will be laying new foundations for relationships and adopt a more sober approach - any weak relationships will leave your life now and only those that are good for you will remain. It’s a really important time in your life and while opportunities around relationships may not seem forthcoming in large numbers, the hard work will pay off in the end. Slowly but permanently. This is a really good transit so don’t fear it despite what you might hear. After all, who wants to be stuck in a dead-end or outdated partnership?
Then, around mid-month, more planets shift into the 8th house of other people’s resources – this also includes their emotional resources that they are willing to share with you. Venus in this house from the 11th can mean that you splash out on luxury items, especially in opposition to Jupiter. Alternatively, again, this can increase your desire again to become more intimate but it can also be a compulsive energy in Scorpio.
This is also the house that rules our fears and especially if you have your Moon in Aries, this month may see you inner demons come out. Planets in the 8th house undergo transformation as they travel through or rather, they initiate transformation in certain areas in your life. The 8th house can be quite emotional but if you have your Moon in Aries, you have an emotional relationships to all transits, so December may affect your emotional side and perhaps help you shed some unhealthy emotional patterns from the past. Beware of power struggles which although they might just be within yourself, you are reacting to external influences. There may be some compulsive desires and emotions but don’t let things get to you as these compulsions will get the better of you otherwise. Go for a walk, do some exercise, do something, stay on the move so you don’t have too much time to think about what you have or haven’t got. Such an emphasis on the 8th house can also result in a major spending spree – at the very least, make sure you keep the receipts. Jealousies could also be part of it, so don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
The new Moon mid-month can then help you look at life and possession on a better way. In Indian astrology, this December 2012 new Moon happens in the nakshatra (the chart is divided into 27 sections or nakshatras) of Jyestha. This nakshatra is said to be an independent and ambitious one but also one where we have to do things by ourselves. In this nakshatra, we can’t and don’t want to rely on others but have to take the position of leader. It’s also the nakshatra of the creative eccentric so in your 8th house, again, it may turn out to be a great time to start afresh and in a more creative way where your joint finances are concerned.
The 8th house is one of the internal houses where things are not so obvious and so is your 12th house which has Uranus transiting it for quite a while to come. You may have been on edge in past few years and months due to Uranus in this house. In December, on the same day as the new Moon, the planets of eccentricity and sudden developments, moves forward again and forms a sextile to Mars in your house of life direction. You may end the year with a clearer perspective of where you are headed over the coming 12 months. Uranus gives ideas and Jupiter in trine helps you expand and Mars gives direction and energy so you ambitions clearly come into focus this year comes to an end and the new one begins.
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