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By Louise Gilbert |
December continues with a major focus on these areas but in particular the 9th house. This area in your chart looks at teaching, spirituality, worship, temples, universities, sacred places, priesthood, religious learning, the law, your belief system, global travel and philosophy. Many Pisceans have a natural affinity towards these subjects so this is a month and with Uranus in the first house for a number of years still to come, a change in how you view the world is likely to change – through new experiences, travel (the 9th house is air travel) and higher studies.
If there are worries about money or joint finances still hanging over you from the solar eclipse in November, the pressure should ease dramatically. The energy is shifting this month from the 8th house to the 9th. At the beginning of the month, you still think and talk about joint finances and perhaps your own income and what you can bring to the table but I feel that you now know what needs to be done and with Venus in its own sign, the that loan you have applied for or the pay rise should be within reach. Although Saturn is nearby, he is exalted in Libra so any progress made in this area over the next 2 years should yield positive, long-term results. Saturn makes us more realistic but also encourages us to go further where necessary. Perhaps you’ve been waiting for money to come through to start a new project or help you expand your business. The new Moon on 12th December should move things along. Alternatively, if you’ve been planning a trip or applied for a further learning course, this is the time when you can start something new.
In Indian astrology, this new Moon falls in the nakshatra (the chart is divided into 27 sections or nakshatras) of Jyestha. This nakshatra is said to be an independent one and where we have to do things by ourselves. In this nakshatra, we can’t rely on others but have to take the position of leader. This position also tells me that although you may do better now to go it alone – or maybe just follow your own interests for the time being – don’t be stubborn and aggressive with it. Scorpio is a slightly aggressive but very secretive sign so make sure you don’t completely turn your back on other people at this time. Keep the channels open.
The ruler of your solar 9th house, Mars, is this month in your 10th house of career and profession. You also have Pluto sitting there who was in a good angle to the lunar eclipse at the end of November. It seems as though you are keen to either look for another job or get that long-awaited promotion – again it may be linked closely to what’s happening in your 8th house of other people’s money. You may not have been satisfied with the offer you received and especially with Mercury retrograde, you had to play a waiting game. However, discussions now pick up again and you are keen to bring things to a close. With your house of vocation and reputation receiving a massive overhaul, you may also decide to change profession entirely. Especially as you have Uranus in a square to your 10th house, you may feel restless and any changes can’t come soon enough. Mars in your 10th house as the ruler of the 9th of may see you look beyond the country you live in to earn your money. On the other hand, your 10th house is your partner’s 4th house of home, so perhaps he will be the one initiating all these changes in your life direction due to the fact that for some reason, he has to move. Do what you’re best at and just go with the flow. It’s not a bad energy but one that you have probably been waiting for for quite some time.
Mercury, your love planet, also travels through your 9th house and is in aspect with Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus. Someone – perhaps even from abroad – may suddenly enter your life but take a close look and more importantly, take your time with this person. It may feel magical at first but he or she may soon turn out to be less of the prince or princess you thought they were. Wait until later on in the month to decide what the next steps should be.
The month ends with a potent full Moon across your 10th and 4th house axis as it usually does at this time of the year. So any discussions with a new employer or an existing one around a new position are coming to a close. Maybe you will also get a completely new offer in the meantime. In any case, this full Moon as the potential to transform your life, your direction you are taking and where you want to be this time next year. Although this time of the year always puts the emphasis on your 10th house, the full Moon across this axis in your chart can also mean a house move. Uranus turns direct the day after the new Moon on 13th December shining its light onto the 10th and 4th houses so changes in where you live as well as where you work can come through thick and fast. And the pace in which this happens is certainly going up a notch.
Enjoy this month Pisces, it does not seem to be a difficult one but a lot of progress can be expected.
Monthly solar horoscopes are very general, so get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
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