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By Louise Gilbert |
Aries, without wanting
to mention the ongoing, long-term transits in every monthly forecast, it’s
still important to remember that there are certain areas in your chart that are
going through some changes at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Pluto
in your house of travel and your higher mind in an ongoing aspect to Uranus in
your house of the unconscious helps you to change the way you think, provides
sudden insights and ideas that seem to come from nowhere to make sure you keep
moving forward. And Aries, we know how you hate standing still! But what I’m
really trying to get at is that during the past few months, as so many planets
gathered in your house of travels and broadening your mind and then in your
house of life direction and profession during November and December, you may
have simply opened up again a little bit. It kind of seems that you have
regained some of your optimism that seems to have been lost over the past year
as Saturn started opposing your sign. This is a tricky placement, especially if
you have your Moon in Aries (remember that I follow the sideareal calendar, get in touch or have a read here to see what that means). So, while you may have to
deal with opposing energies, situations and people over the coming two years to
help you sort out the way you commit and behave in relationships and what you
expect from them, it seems as though you’re getting a break from all this in
February 2013.
When I look at your
chart for the month, so many planets are in the South Eastern hemisphere in
your chart which give you back your va va voom. This month and next, Pluto,
Venus, Mercury, Mars, the Sun, Uranus, Neptune and the Moon for a few days each
month, are travelling through this area in your chart, making you more
extroverted, sociable, and concerned with events on the outside rather than
what’s going on in your inner life. You are (even) more self-motivated,
pioneering and you want to get things going. This relates to your
goals and your dreams as well as your career. Especially in the first half of
the month, you are thinking about your career and whether what you’re doing still
fits in with your changing beliefs and outlook. Perhaps it’s someone in your
circle of friends who provides the necessary push you have needed to rethink
certain aspects of your job and where you’re heading in life in general. If, on
the other hand, you are quite happy where you are, then this may be a time
where you receive the recognition you’ve been working towards which actually
makes you appreciate where you’re at even more. Transits don’t always bring with
them a drastic change but certainly a focus on a specific area in life.
The new Moon on 10th
February in Capricorn also impacts your solar 10th house of life
direction and career and heralds new beginnings. In Indian astrology, this new
Moon which falls into in the nakshatra (one of the 27 or 28 lunar mansions in
the Indian horoscope) of Uttara Ashadha. This basically translates as ‘later
victory’ and is ruled by the Sun. This naksharta is competitive and pushes us
to attain great achievements. If you are self-employed, this may be the time to
launch a new product or new business plan to increase your customer base.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion is still in your second house of money, so any
kind of undertaking to increase your bank balance is well-starred these days.
In February, we have an
important configuration building up called The Yod or The Finger of God. This
will be exact in March 2013 and will affect us all but can already be felt this
month. This Yod configuration has two planets, Pluto and Saturn, in a sextile –
which means they are in harmony and the focal planet, Jupiter, is in a
quincunx. This means that Pluto and Saturn, the other two planets in the Yod,
are completely incompatible, sharing neither gender (masculine/assertive or
feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality
(cardinal, fixed, or mutable). This Yod shines its light across your solar 2nd,
7th and 9th houses, activating either a powerful conduit
of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincunxed planet –
which is Jupiter in your house of earned income. The Yod is said to have the
potential to trigger major events in someone’s life and if you are facing
challenges in these areas, the best way to achieve a positive result is through
adaptation and at least considering new paths. It may take great initiative and
fortitude to overcome the limitations created by the Yod, but great rewards and
gains can be the result. So, again, the focus seems to be on how and how much
money you’ll be making over the next few months. For some, the question may
also revolve around who to earn money with
and what this partnership should look like.
As the month goes on,
things are then slowing down a little as two planets are going retrograde.
Saturn starts moving backwards from 18th February until 8th
July 2013, and Mercury goes retrograde from 24th February until 18th
March 2013. Saturn in your house of committed relationship together with Rahu /
the North node has put a major focus on this area of your life for the past 6
months and at times, the whole situation would have felt like a pressure cooker
about to explode. You’ll now get a break from all this as Saturn moves
retrograde which means that you have time to review what you’ve learnt – or rather
realised – since August 2012. This may not be the time to press forward with
new plans but it gives you an opportunity to figure out if what you have experienced
still fits in with what you want in your future. Exciting times.
Mercury in your house
of networks, friends, goals, dreams and gains is a good placement and means
that your mind is now more focused on the corporate world and how to increase your reach to increase your
gains. Although retrograde motion can be a little uncomfortable at times, I
kind of get the feeling that for you, it won’t put major stumbling blocks in
your way. However, as Mercury rules your 3rd house of travels and
communication, make sure you don’t send out the draft version to your customer
database and that you doubly double-check your travel plans over those three
Get in touch if you are interested in an
individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in
individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on
Facebook, see you there!
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