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By Louise Gilbert |
There is additional reason to be cheerful as Jupiter, the planet of expansion, has finally turned direct again on 31st January in your solar 5th house of true love. In a very good aspect to your Sun, Mercury and Venus, you should feel the boost and light-hearted energy that makes you more flirtatious and ready to have some fun. This is also a time when pregnancies can take place more easily.
Then, the new Moon on 10th February falls into your solar 1st house of self in the nakshatra (one of the 27 or 28 lunar mansions in the Indian horoscope) of Uttara Ashadha. This basically translates as ‘later victory’ and is ruled by the Sun. The main motivation with a new Moon in this nakshatra is spiritual liberation. But Uttara Ashadha is also competitive and pushes us to attain great achievements. For you Capricorn, it is a new beginning in terms of how you view yourself, how other see you and which steps you take in which direction over the coming year.
In February and beyond, Jupiter is also in an important configuration which will affect us all building up called The Yod or The Finger of God. This will be exact in March 2013 but can already be felt this month. This Yod configuration has two planets, Pluto and Saturn, in a sextile – which means they are in harmony and the focal planet, Jupiter, is in a quincunx. This means that Pluto and Saturn, the other two planets in the Yod, are completely incompatible, sharing neither gender (masculine/assertive or feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). This Yod shines its light across your solar 5th, 10th, 12th houses, activating either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincunxed planet – which is Jupiter in your house of children and true love, this is a time when children, creative projects or a new lover can influence where you are headed over the next couple of years. Perhaps there is a surprise in store for you but in any case, Jupiter is pulling in an opposite direction from Pluto and Saturn. This can cause you to let go of certain patterns, situation and habits in order to become involved in what is showing on the horizon in these areas as the Yod is said to have the potential to trigger major events in someone’s life. If you are facing challenges in these areas, the best way to achieve a positive result is through adaptation and at least considering new paths. Your life goals you have set for yourself and – it sounds odd but it seems to be an option – your financial goals you have set for yourself will help you hugely with decisions you may have to make in February and beyond. It takes great initiative and fortitude to overcome the limitations or rather challenges created by the Yod, but great rewards can be the result.
So, overall, February 2013 it can be a time to pick up creative projects again and move forward with your ideas. With Mars already in your house of earned income and the Sun, Venus and Mercury joining him there in the second half of February, your projects and creative ideas may also be little money spinners. This also means that your earned income and finances in general will be a bigger focus in the second half of the month.
I am deliberately saying that it can be a time of moving forward with creative projects to boost your income. However, I do feel that an increase in salary or simply what ends up in your purse and bank account is really more related to your career and profession. I know, this sounds obvious but if you have been reading my forecasts in the past couple of months, you may remember reading about the North node / Rahu moving into Libra, your solar 10th house of career, profession and life direction together with Saturn, the great taskmaster. The coming two years will be some of the most transformational when it comes to your career and overall life direction and while some of you may just be changing jobs, others who have had high-flying careers in financial services are bowing out to become yoga teachers. Or you are finally promoted to the position you have been working towards for some time – a word of warning, with Saturn at the top of your chart, this does not happen over time but step by step with a few challenges and reviewing and redoing to be experienced. Saturn has been transiting this area for some time now, but the North node moved in last month but the ongoing Yod configuration will make the areas of necessary change more obvious!
After mid-month, things are slowing down a little as two planets are going retrograde. Saturn starts moving backwards from 18th February until 8th July 2013, and Mercury goes retrograde from 24th February until 18th March 2013. Saturn in your house of career and Mercury in your house of earned income simply means that Capricorns should read the small print more closely and ask questions that may seem obvious but you feel you shouldn’t ignore – not at any other time, certainly not at this time. If you are looking for a new job, read and re-read the contract again. There is a heavy emphasis on your house of finance in February, so the opportunity is there, you just have to search a bit longer and ask a few more questions before you get there. The month ends with the full Moon on 25th February in this area of your life bringing these things to a close.
The, during the Saturn retrograde phase, which lasts for a good few months, we are reviewing fairness, balance and justice in relationships in the area ruled by Libra in our charts. With the eclipses hitting your 10th and 4th solar houses during the Saturn retrograde period, I think this will be a time when you really get down to implementing changes in your career, life direction and for some, also your home environment as a result.
Enjoy the ride Capricorn, I think you’ve been waiting for the word ‘Go’ for some time….it’s finally here.
Get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
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