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By Louise Gilbert |
For the first few days
of the month, your mind is still very much on relationships and your closest
associations. Perhaps you have been dating a lot more since December, met
someone new or committed to one particular person. If you are looking then, during
this first week of February, you may still find that you are attracting more of
what you want in terms of a closer association which may now be more readily
available to you. In any case, you’ll have to focus on one-to-one encounters in
one way or the other. This also includes business partnerships, and close
friendships where you spend a lot of time with one person. It may be that there
are still discussions going on about certain aspects in the relationship,
potentially connected to your home life and living situation or your joint
finances which is something you’ll have to deal with later on in the month.
So the emphasis on relationships is still ongoing until the new Moon on 10th February in Capricorn, your solar house of committed partnerships. In Indian astrology, this new Moon which falls into in the nakshatra (one of the 27 or 28 lunar mansions in the Indian horoscope) of Uttara Ashadha. This basically translates as ‘later victory’ and is ruled by the Sun. But Uttara Ashadha is also competitive and pushes us to attain great achievements. With planetary support from Jupiter, the planet of expansion, until the summer, your heart should be opening up a little more and opportunities to enter a solid relationship are there.
Jupiter has been moving direct again since late January and will help you expand your circle of friends and networks. You may start mingling with people from different backgrounds and from all over the world, increasing your chances to meet someone who matches your renewed outlook and optimism. Jupiter is in the house that also rules gains, so your new connections and expanded network can also help you fill your bank balance over the coming months.
After mid-month, things can get a lot steamier under the covers as your 8th house of intimacy will be jam-packed from the on and for most of March. You’re the most touchy feely of the signs anyway but this month, you may really not be able to keep your hands off your sweetie or vice versa. You’re emotional life is undergoing some deeply felt transformation with Saturn in your 4th house, so if you have had some problems with letting people get close to you or even letting go of old relationship patterns, you now have a chance to start working on these challenges. Just be aware of anxieties that spring up from nowhere - you are trying to feel your way around a new emotional state which does take some time to settle and sink in.
Now, all these planets in the 8th house and Saturn in your 4th house of the past and home can also manifest on a more mundane level. There is no doubt you are emotionally quite touched at the moment but these transits could also see you move house and apply for loans to do so. At the same time, it can also affect your partner’s finances and his / her other resources and it’s likely you will have some discussions around your joint financial futures. Insurance and tax issues may also feature – it’s not to say you are losing money but at the very least it does mean that you will be required to sort out the paper work. It’s that time of the year after all, right? So, this month seems to be a time where you have to deal with partnerships on the one hand and joint resources, finances and other people’s money on the other. The month then ends with the full Moon on 25th February in this area of your chart so if you are in the process of applying for a loan or if you are waiting for a tax repayment, then this is the time when decisions should be made for you or at the very least all the facts are on the table and you’ll know what to do next.
What I wanted to highlight for February too is that we have an important configuration building up called The Yod or The Finger of God. This will be exact in March 2013 and will affect us all but can already be felt this month. This Yod configuration has two planets, Pluto and Saturn, in a sextile – which means they are in harmony and the focal planet, Jupiter, is in a quincunx. This means that Pluto and Saturn, the other two planets in the Yod, are completely incompatible, sharing neither gender (masculine/assertive or feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). This Yod shines its light across your solar 4th, 9th and 11th houses, activating either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincunxed planet – which is Jupiter in your house of friends, networks, humanitarian interests and global corporate connections. It’s also the house of your hopes and dreams. The Yod is said to have the potential to trigger major events in someone’s life and if you are facing challenges in these areas, the best way to achieve a positive result is through adaptation and at least considering new paths. It may take great initiative and fortitude to overcome the limitations created by the Yod, but great rewards and gains can be the result.
Things are then slowing down a little as two planets are going retrograde. Saturn starts moving backwards from 18th February until 8th July 2013, and Mercury goes retrograde from 24th February until 18th March 2013. I don’t think this is especially negative as you have already come a long way over the past year in terms of sorting out your emotions and dealing with some things that may have held you back from going after your goals, moving to your dream home, surrounding yourself with the people you want to be with etc. Saturn at the bottom of your chart is never easy but by going retrograde you can take a breather and realise how far you’ve come and understand a bit better where you are headed. When Saturn’s influence hits us first, we internalise everything and depending on other planetary constellations, transits and your current Dasha time period, it can be tough time. But as Saturn moves retrograde, you should now be able to see the end of the tunnel and distance yourself from your emotions a little but more.
Get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
So the emphasis on relationships is still ongoing until the new Moon on 10th February in Capricorn, your solar house of committed partnerships. In Indian astrology, this new Moon which falls into in the nakshatra (one of the 27 or 28 lunar mansions in the Indian horoscope) of Uttara Ashadha. This basically translates as ‘later victory’ and is ruled by the Sun. But Uttara Ashadha is also competitive and pushes us to attain great achievements. With planetary support from Jupiter, the planet of expansion, until the summer, your heart should be opening up a little more and opportunities to enter a solid relationship are there.
Jupiter has been moving direct again since late January and will help you expand your circle of friends and networks. You may start mingling with people from different backgrounds and from all over the world, increasing your chances to meet someone who matches your renewed outlook and optimism. Jupiter is in the house that also rules gains, so your new connections and expanded network can also help you fill your bank balance over the coming months.
After mid-month, things can get a lot steamier under the covers as your 8th house of intimacy will be jam-packed from the on and for most of March. You’re the most touchy feely of the signs anyway but this month, you may really not be able to keep your hands off your sweetie or vice versa. You’re emotional life is undergoing some deeply felt transformation with Saturn in your 4th house, so if you have had some problems with letting people get close to you or even letting go of old relationship patterns, you now have a chance to start working on these challenges. Just be aware of anxieties that spring up from nowhere - you are trying to feel your way around a new emotional state which does take some time to settle and sink in.
Now, all these planets in the 8th house and Saturn in your 4th house of the past and home can also manifest on a more mundane level. There is no doubt you are emotionally quite touched at the moment but these transits could also see you move house and apply for loans to do so. At the same time, it can also affect your partner’s finances and his / her other resources and it’s likely you will have some discussions around your joint financial futures. Insurance and tax issues may also feature – it’s not to say you are losing money but at the very least it does mean that you will be required to sort out the paper work. It’s that time of the year after all, right? So, this month seems to be a time where you have to deal with partnerships on the one hand and joint resources, finances and other people’s money on the other. The month then ends with the full Moon on 25th February in this area of your chart so if you are in the process of applying for a loan or if you are waiting for a tax repayment, then this is the time when decisions should be made for you or at the very least all the facts are on the table and you’ll know what to do next.
What I wanted to highlight for February too is that we have an important configuration building up called The Yod or The Finger of God. This will be exact in March 2013 and will affect us all but can already be felt this month. This Yod configuration has two planets, Pluto and Saturn, in a sextile – which means they are in harmony and the focal planet, Jupiter, is in a quincunx. This means that Pluto and Saturn, the other two planets in the Yod, are completely incompatible, sharing neither gender (masculine/assertive or feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). This Yod shines its light across your solar 4th, 9th and 11th houses, activating either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincunxed planet – which is Jupiter in your house of friends, networks, humanitarian interests and global corporate connections. It’s also the house of your hopes and dreams. The Yod is said to have the potential to trigger major events in someone’s life and if you are facing challenges in these areas, the best way to achieve a positive result is through adaptation and at least considering new paths. It may take great initiative and fortitude to overcome the limitations created by the Yod, but great rewards and gains can be the result.
Things are then slowing down a little as two planets are going retrograde. Saturn starts moving backwards from 18th February until 8th July 2013, and Mercury goes retrograde from 24th February until 18th March 2013. I don’t think this is especially negative as you have already come a long way over the past year in terms of sorting out your emotions and dealing with some things that may have held you back from going after your goals, moving to your dream home, surrounding yourself with the people you want to be with etc. Saturn at the bottom of your chart is never easy but by going retrograde you can take a breather and realise how far you’ve come and understand a bit better where you are headed. When Saturn’s influence hits us first, we internalise everything and depending on other planetary constellations, transits and your current Dasha time period, it can be tough time. But as Saturn moves retrograde, you should now be able to see the end of the tunnel and distance yourself from your emotions a little but more.
Get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
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