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By Louise Gilbert |
Scorpio, for you, a
shift has taken place in January as the North node or Rahu has changed signs to
move into Libra, your solar 12th house of the unconscious. With the
North node in this position for the next 18 months, your task is to explore
your deep psyche, your dreams and simply explore beneath the surface of life.
The result at the end of this transit is self-awareness. The way you trust
yourself and your instincts intuitively will become more solid over the coming
But as we begin February, your mind will be on high alert and you’ll be busy communicating, chatting, texting and phoning all those friends and relatives you haven’t caught up with in a while. You may be travelling a bit more back and forth in that first week of the month. With the shift of the North node enhancing your intuition and shooting sudden ideas and insights through your mind somewhere in the background, it has nevertheless been a very busy and outgoing few weeks for you. With Venus in your house of communication, you would have also felt a little more flirtatious – perhaps one of your New Year’s resolutions was to sign up for that dating website. If that was case, I’d imagine that your inbox must have been buzzing with emails. If not, then the new Moon on 10th February in Capricorn is a good time launch your online profile. It’s a time of new beginnings and good time for starting new projects, initiating or picking up new ideas, learning something new, getting your life admin tackled and taking care of the details of daily life. It is a time when you are more alert and aware and you’ll find it easier to establish a connection with other people.
This new Moon which falls into in the nakshatra (one of the 27 or 28 lunar mansions in the Indian horoscope) of Uttara Ashadha. This basically translates as ‘later victory’ and is ruled by the Sun. The main motivation with a new Moon in this nakshatra is spiritual liberation. But Uttara Ashadha is also competitive and pushes us to attain great achievements. For you Scorpio, it is a new beginning when it comes to all your solar 3rd house initiatives – ideas, communication, short-distance travel and mental stimulation.
Then, pretty quickly your mind will turn more inward and your thoughts turn towards your living situation, your home environment or you simply become a little more emotional. Mercury and Mars both occupy your 4th house during February and this dynamic duo can literally signal ‘get up and go’. If you have been looking for a new property, then this month may be the time kick-start things or you may just do some refurbishment. With Mars in Aquarius, be careful with overreactions and sudden outbursts of anger – Aquarius is a fixed sign, so you’ll be less likely to back down! Venus will join these two in the last week of the month, returning a little more diplomacy if not some calm and quite to your emotional life and living situation.
In February and beyond, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in an important configuration which will affect us all building up called The Yod or The Finger of God. This will be exact in March 2013 but can already be felt this month. This Yod configuration has two planets, Pluto and Saturn, in a sextile – which means they are in harmony and the focal planet, Jupiter, is in a quincunx. This means that Pluto and Saturn, the other two planets in the Yod, are completely incompatible, sharing neither gender (masculine/assertive or feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) with the third planet, Jupiter. This Yod pulls its weight across your solar 2nd, 7th and 12th houses, activating either a powerful conduit of energy, or a deeply-felt block, in the direction of the quincunxed planet – which is Jupiter in your house of committed relationships. It maybe that your financial goals currently don’t correspond with the plans your partner has or a business relationship means that you have to dig deeper into your own pockets than you’d currently like to or are able to.
The Yod is said to have the potential to trigger major events in someone’s life and if you are facing challenges in your relationships, the best way to achieve a positive result is through adaptation or at the very least considering new paths. If all fails, the best way to distract yourself from this energy this month is to draw on the support of your family. Surround yourself with your loved ones or do some of that DYI-ing you’ve been meaning to do for so long.
This may all sound a little dramatic but with Jupiter in your house of relationships – this also includes your business partnerships – this area in your chart is protected. Your opportunities in relationships may be expanding or you may meet someone with a big personality and who wants to show you the world.
After mid-month, things are slowing down a little as two planets are going retrograde. Saturn starts moving backwards from 18th February until 8th July 2013, and Mercury goes retrograde from 24th February until 18th March 2013. Saturn is in your house of behind the scenes, finishing up a 29 year cycle of personal development and Mercury is in your house of family and home. So, for example, if you have been looking to buy a property or sell, this period while Mercury is retrograde could be a time when estate agents stand you up, potential buyers don’t show up or solicitors are taken their time even more so than usual getting the deals wrapped up. Once Mercury goes forward again in March, the little details should all fall back into place again. You may be grateful for the retrograde, frustrating as it may seem, as details now emerge that may not have been so available before. Make sure to ask the obvious questions.
The month then ends with the full Moon on 25th February in your 4th house, helping you to finalise property deals and should help you bring family issues or emotional upheaval to a close. At this time, you should know what comes next and what needs to be done –perhaps the Mercury retrograde will help you review the situation as all the cards are now on the table.
Get in touch if you are interested in an individual chart reading. In readings, I use the Indian Dasha system in individual forecasts which is known for its accuracy. You can also follow me on Facebook, see you there!
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