Be aware of the small print this month and back up your data in a safe place. It’s such a powerful money month with the eclipse happening, you don’t want to realise you've overlooked an important detail in the small print. Patience is a virtue now and who knows, maybe it’s even for the better as information you have not been privy to before is exposed when Mercury turns direct. Especially around the full Moon on 28th November, details, concepts, issues and ideas in this area that were put forwarded or started to emerge around the eclipse are brought to light and come to a conclusion now.
I will be writing about how this retrograde affects all zodiac signs in a couple of days.
Here’s a little survival guide to Mercury retrograde
- Back up your data
- Have an MOT
- Double-check you’ve packed the passport...oh, and did you really apply for that Visa?
- Leave even earlier than usual and leave extra time to get to places
- Make sure you remember the key to your padlock
- Confirm your appointments
- Take information and gossip you come across with a pinch of salt
- Reconsider that brilliant idea and look at it from a different point of view, who knows what you will find out
- Think before you speak, you only have one mouth but two ears – use them and let it all siiiiiink iiin. Well done. What was said during Mercury retrograde does not mean that this is what it really means!
- Remember the old days
- Reconnect with a long lost friend
- Reinvest some time in what you started ages ago
- Upgrade your gadgets
- Sign important contracts now, especially around property and work
- Remember, Mercury travels alongside the North node and is tangled up in the eclipse this month so if details are overlooked now, it’ll come back to bite you from behind later
- Take anything for granted
- Ignore the small print glance over inaccuracies
- Throw away your warranty documents
- Ignore reminder letters from the bank, council, lawyers etc.
- Believe everything you are told – keep a cool head and be realistic
PS: You can also follow me on Facebook. See you there!
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