
October 2012 forecast - Scorpio

I follow the sidereal calendar; this forecast is for birthdays from 16th November to 15th December

The month starts with the Sun in the 11th house of likeminded others, networking, group activities in the corporate marketplace, opposing Uranus in the 5th. So sudden changes or developments in these areas are likely.

Mercury is now in the 12th house of behind the scenes activity, contemplation, meditation, retreats, meditations, private matters. Your thoughts may now evolve around the past or you keep your thoughts to yourself more than usual. You might withdraw a bit more and generally feel less of a need to share your thoughts with others. Mercury rules your 11th house of the wider marketplace and your 8th house of other people’s money, tax, insurance, bank loans etc., so make sure all contracts and deals are above board.

Saturn is now in the 12th house of the past, wrap up time, old business wrapped up. Any barriers that stood in your way over the past few years are now being removed. This is a slow process and something that will occupy your thoughts for the next 2.5 years before Saturn moves into your 1st solar house.

For those with Moon in Scorpio, the so-called Sade Sati period now begins. Sade Sati starts when Saturn enters the zodiac sign immediately before the Moon sign and ends when it exits the sign after the moon sign. During this time, emotional maturity takes place which is why it is often one of the most painful periods in life (depending on the age of a person). For Scorpio-Moons, this is a time where changes in the home can take place, perhaps even a long awaited move that will feel like a fresh start but which might still take some time to actually happen. For others, the relationship with their mother or other females might undergo profound changes.

Regardless of whether you Sun, Ascendant or Moon is in Scorpio, this is a time of beginning transformation, a time of restructuring that will result in a change in how you view yourself, others and the world. Anything that has prevented you from doing what you want and from being successful is now eliminated. Although it is an ending in some respect, of course it is a time of new beginnings too. Saturn is a slow moving planet so it takes time to get used to the new demands and responsibilities this transit brings with it but it also means that the effects are often not felt until the transit is over and all the newness could be integrated.

Saturn in the 12th house is joined by a whole host of planets in October, truly signaling a time of wrapping up and letting go. It’s the ending of a cycle, a time of being mature and accountable about what needs to go and it’s time to take a step back and contemplate these aspects. There might also be a lack of energy for the time being – only for you to emerge all the stronger.

The North node is still in 1st house until January 2013, and this month is joined by Mars. The North node is our compass and our destiny so your own personal self-development has been a key focus. The spotlight has been on you for the past year, your personality and how you come across. You might have socially been more ambitious and with Mars now in the same sign, generally more energized which helps balance out all those planets in the 12th house. In Vedic astrology, Rahu (the North node) also craves power and is a risk taker so the desire to be recognised, climb the career ladder or generally be successful and awarded with your undertakings might be prominent now. Mars is coming out of the 12th house where it might have suppressed your energy, now is a time to work out obstacles but be considerate of others.

Jupiter in your 7th house  of committed relationships is now going retrograde until the end of January 2013. Since the summer, there might have been more opportunities for you when it comes to finding love. There might also generally be more contact with people from other cultures and oversees. During this period, you are more protected, however, as with all slow moving planets, often the effects of this transit are not felt until it’s over. So it’s important not to miss - the right – opportunities. Jupiter now going retrograde means what was experienced so far, new lessons learnt or new opportunities if not taken at least spotted, are now being integrated, seriously considered or if you have entered a business partnership, new knowledge is now taken on board, digested and applied.

Venus in the 10th house in October means that people in authority might show you favours, it’s a good time for your reputation and makes things at work more pleasant and smooth. Venus also trines Pluto in the house of earned income which might signify that the big bucks start rolling in. On the other hand, you might be attracted to someone older with Venus sitting in the Saturn-ruled 10th house.

The new moon on 15th falls in the house of alliances and groups.  There might be a new alliance and new group you join. The month ends with the full moon in your 6th house of health and work, putting the spotlight on old habits that need to go. In opposition to Saturn in the 12th house, this might not be easy but again, this signals a time of change and letting go!

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