
November 2012 horoscope - Aries

I follow the sidereal calendar; this is the monthly solar horoscope for birthdays from 15th April to 15th May

My goodness Aries, what a month lies ahead for you! The big news this month is of course the solar eclipse on 13th November at about 10pm GMT just at the end of Libra conjuncting the North node in Scorpio. This is a hugely exciting month, sparking a lot of changes in all our lives.

New moons are new beginnings – sometimes the ones we can’t see immediately – but tied into the eclipse, it’s might be time of powerful change, transformation and a turning point for many of us. For you Aries, the solar eclipse is happening in your solar 7th house of committed relationships! The 7th house is also one the angular houses – one of the pillars that we all build our lives on. Angular houses in the horoscope are dynamic and planets in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses express the most action and have the strongest impact. Same with the rulers of these houses. Therefore, an eclipse in one of these house sparks changes not only in your one-to-one relationships but it can also affect your professional life and have an impact on your home environment – simply put, it might impact Aries’ entire life direction. An eclipse is often felt before it takes place, so any changes in relationships or your relationships status could have already emerged in October – in any case, I think you will have had an inkling for some time of what lies ahead. Marriage may well be on the cards for coupled Aries. For the next six months until the lunar eclipse occurs in your own sign. There should be major progress and change coming your way in these areas while the focus remains on your most committed relationships. 

Watch out for further clues and progress in these matters when the North node passes the eclipse point on 15th January and for the lunar eclipse in May 2013. I will then talk more about the North node in your solar 4th house next month when it moves into this area for 18 months in mid-January 2013.

If you are single, you have every opportunity to meet someone special around the time of the eclipse. You should feel very excited around this time. You also have the Sun traveling through your 7th house until the 17th November when Venus then follows the Sun’s footsteps and moves into your zone of relating. If you meet someone in November, it may well feel like a fated encounter. Eclipses have something karmic about them with a deep past life connection. However, eclipses also shut out the light, so keep your eyes and ears open and don’t get completely swept away by new offers. This goes for all kinds of relationships -business and personal.

Looking at Vedic astrology, this solar eclipse is in the nakshatra of Vishakha, ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter gives strength, faith and optimism while Vishakha Moons are said to reap the fruits of their labour eventually but only after some time and some effort. With Saturn in the same sign as the eclipse, stability and abundance is forthcoming after a time of delay and some effort and discipline may be required. Again, this relates to your relationships.

For the next two years or so, you also have the great task master, Saturn sitting in your house of committed one-to-ones. Wherever Saturn transits, we need to overcome some challenges to move forward with heaps of newfound wisdom. This is a long-term process with a lot of repeat behaviour that helps you eliminate what you don’t need - or more importantly, what you don’t want – anymore in partnerships. Not an easy task for the typical Aries for whom patience is not a strong point. However, I think you will come through to the end of this transit with a reformed view and expectations of relationships. Often during this transit, couples get married or meet their life partner. Saturn is also exalted in Libra, so the chances are fair…

Early on in November, Mars is still in your 8th house of other people’s money, bank loans and inheritance so if you are already at a stage in your relationship when you’re thinking about opening a joint bank account, the focus may well be on who pays what moving forward. You have also had Jupiter in the 2nd house of your own earned income since the summer. Jupiter is now in retrograde motion until 31st January 2013 (read my blog post on what this means in general). This is a time when we are internalising, stabilising and strengthening everything that has been put in front of us - maybe you’re waiting for a loan or are working more behind the scenes on a new business venture that brings in some extra cash. With Jupiter in Taurus, we are looking for practical ways to apply our new-found knowledge.

Mercury goes retrograde this month too from 6th to 27th November. If you can help it, make sure you don’t sign contracts on the dotted line until the end of the month. But if you absolutely have to, don’t rush things even if the retrograde period starts driving you mad. It’s such a powerful money month, you don’t want to realise you've overlooked an important detail in the small print. Patience is a virtue now and who knows, maybe it’s even for the better as information you have not been privy to before is exposed when Mercury turns direct. Especially around the full moon on 28th, details, concepts, issues and ideas in this area that were put forwarded or started to emerge around the eclipse (new moon!) are brought to light and come to a conclusion now.

Very exciting times Aries, enjoy!

PS: You can also follow me on Facebook. See you there!

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